Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Bambi Unleashed

There are little awkward spurts in every production process. Adolescent gangliness takes over for a night, or a week.

In a traditional process these are most evident in two places: the very first night on your feet in rehearsal, and the first night completely off book.

We reached the first of those milestones last night.

After a short presentation on 'selling yourself' by Mr. Matt Walton. Team Infinite Perspectives hit the rehearsal space for the very first time.

The floor was taped out in our proposed VERY SMALL triangular configuration, and we began.

Martin led us in some basic sun salutations as a warm up and we began improvising with the three basic character shells we've been talking about for the last ten days or so.

Wow it felt good to be on our feet.

The minutiae of creating a world, and exploring a style for your universe is fun, but how can that compare to living in it? It can't. Of course it being the awkward newborn fawn level of performance it was like living in a complex universe as a toddler, but it was living.

Martin has a deep and abiding (and justified) love of opposites. Both in writing and in performance. So we played with that quite a bit as he guided us through the improvisation, asking lots of questions of our still very timid characters.

We mixed and matched characters, swapping in and out of genders, much to Martin's chagrin. He had been very upfront with his feeling that things weren't quite so locked down as that, but there we were anyway, treating our brainstorming as gospel, and assigning our preconceptions to these thin soap bubbles.

Immediately after Illy cracked me up with me with some bastardized monkish aphorism, we broke up the improvisation as Dewey had slipped into the room with some pages.
Real honest to goodness pages... with lines on them!

We immediately moved on to playing with the framework we'd been handed, still swapping in and out of characters and with Martin pushing us to try opposites wherever possible to find the layers of this world.

It's only a step of course, and not even that large a step from where we were on Monday all things considered.
But it felt very much like a state change, as we moved from solid to liquid.

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