Wednesday, May 24, 2006

And tonight for dinner... Overboiled Grouse!

This has been a very interesting process without a doubt.
But there are times when the framework of the festival simply doesn't benefit the product.

I don't think that having the technical rehearsal last week hurt the final product at all. In fact, I think it was very useful as it gave us a chance to see and be in the space, and it allowed us to see where we needed to shore up some elements on the production side. It'd be pretty difficult for that not to be helpful.

But I'm going to take my diva moment and say, point blank, having the dress rehearsal nine days out isn't helpful.

Dress rehearsal is for the actors. The tech operators get another shot at the show, but it's the actor's time to really stretch out the show in its environment with everything intact, and no (or, in the case of an invited dress, relaxed) pressure of an audience's expectations. But that's not what we're getting.

In case I didn't mention it somewhere above, we have our dress rehearsal tonight. We open on June 2nd.

We've made a lot of progress. We're finding the rhythms of the show. We're finding good, solid, specific personal movement, and we're crawling toward being off book. Speaking only for myself, I think it's very disruptive to have dress now. We have to break our momentum in creation to have a mock presentation. It will be on book. We won't be able to stretch our legs because we're still shackled.

There isn't a fix. This isn't a problem that can be fixed. The ArtSpark festival folks need to get 5 shows through a dress process in time to open the presentations next Thursday. Someone has to go early. I guess I'm just disappointed it has to be us.

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