Friday, June 02, 2006

And they're off!

The festival is officially underway as Frankenstein's Monster gamely kicked us off last night with "Google Me", a comedy about a married couples' need(?) for a jump start to they're sex life. An additional ten points go to Frank's (as we've been calling them) for having overcome a very late cast change (they lost their female lead ten days ago) and putting on a enjoyable night of theatre.

And if it's indicative of the shows that are going up, we're going to stick out like a gangrenous thumb.

I fully expected the festival to be half comedies and half bitter political commentary. Even without knowing what Aristophanes, Wisconsins show is about and not having read Sidewalk Chalks I can tell you that we're not going to get half. "Handgrenade Holly" does have some light political underpining but that's not really what the show is about.

We on the other hand do muck about in politics, with a half cup of media criticism, and a pint or two of religious satire. And some songs. And some mostly unrelated video commentaries. So. Yeah.

I was impressed by the level of audience comments after the show, and I am both terrified and excited to see what people have to say about this particular stew.

Game on.

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